Monday, August 21, 2017


Immediately without hesitation, to cope up the deadline, the barangay secretary penned the petition. Four hundred (400) residents affixed their hands on the said document and on December 19, 1982 the secretary handed it personally to Mayor Alpio E. Borja, Sr.

The election of the NYO came. New faces of the officials were tasked to rule for the year 1983 with Armando Canete as the chairman.

On May 3, 1983, Divine Master was invited by the officials. On this very occasion, the fishpond was introduced and turned-over to the Master. A big crowd of people witnessed. A warm welcome program was offered. The Master  gave an inspiring message and blessings. Everyone enjoyed the momentous day.

The fruits of sacrifices were ripened. On July 24, 1983 the order of the Comelec, Manila came. The news echoed to every corners  reached by the radio broadcast. The privilege of holding special barangay election was granted to barangays Ruben E. Ecleo Sr. and Mabini, all under the municipality of Cagdianao. The majority of the people voted and gave their confidence and support to Antonio Ybanez as the barangay captain while for the barangay councilors the winners were Cresencio Yase, Feliciano Manliguez, Jose Canete, Rogelio Tito, Pedro Noda and Juanito Coremo.


The barangay council drafted again resolutions and forwarded to the concerned authorities for approval and recognition of R.E. Ecleo Sr. barangay.

Through the end of the year 1981, the delegation again held its election. Except the treasurer and asst. treasurer the rest of the officials  were status quo. Sis. Aniceta Saldua and Sis. Leonarda Rotersos were elected for the said seats respectively.

Again, the delegation basketted the third place in best performance award in its improvement and cooperation as one of the active members of Surigao del Norte Chapter.

Another page of the year turned. It was 1982. The delegation continued to progress, retained its untiring support to Surigao del Norte Chapter. One main project undertaken was the fishpond.

The month of May came. The approval of the creation and recognition of the barangay was known unofficially. Through Republic Act. 3590 or Batas Pambansa 337, Ruben E. Ecleo Sr. was counted in the masterlist of barangays. However, due to delayed instructions of the Comelec, it was unable to participate in the nationwide May 17, 1982 Barangay Elections.

A seminar and evaluation of the delegation was scheduled on the 27th day of August. The team leader, Bro. Juan Digal, Jr. and at the same time the President of Surigao del Norte chapter, luckily celebrated his natal day. The NYO, Women's League, officials of the delegation as well as members expressed their wishes, offered flowers and garlands to the celebrant. The program was highlighted by the heart-touching, inspiring and emotional message of Jun Digal.

Again, a delegation election was proclaimed on November, 1982. The delegation members applauded a full support to the same officials under the chairmanship of Cresencio Yase.

The NYO and the delegation joined hands in cooperation and improvements of the delegation as well as the barangay. Through solicitations and and commonal farm income, the NYO donated a flag and curtains to the delegation. They constructed the NYO cottage and mini-fishpond.

The delegation garnered third place for the most active participation in the affairs as a delegation for the year 1982. Thus, the members were inspired to extend their full cooperation . The officials moved forward to find ways and means for the welfare of the whole beyond bits of challenges.

On November, 1982, a letter from the Municipal Mayor Alpio E. Borja, Sr. was forwarded to the barangay through the acting barangay captain Inosencio Asarez, requesting to submit a petition for the holding of special election per indorsement made by the Comelec, Region X, Cagayan de Oro City. But this was just taken for granted and concealed. All was in absolute silence. The barangay secretary had no knowledge of the said communication. God had mercy. Perhaps it was a miracle. The barangay secretary accidentally  found the papers in the drawer of the barangay captain's desk.


Days rolled rapidly into months  and then came the year 1980. The rest house was constructed. The fishpond was formed. The roads were visible. Uniformed houses begun to multiply. The officials  scheduled the inauguration of the rest house  as well as the barangay although the approval was still dark. Due to lack of materials, it was postponed.

August came. The delegation had an evaluation. On that occasion the name of the delegation was changed to "R. E. Ecleo Sr."

The delegation of R.E. Ecleo Sr. hailed its honor through gathering fifth place commendation award in its cooperation and pprogress.

Time came that the delegation needed additional vitamins to inspire and persevere forward. The members longed for an election. The dream was not in vain.

On January 28, 1981, a delegation poll was held. Bro, Severo Madrona, Board of Director and Bro. Tony Valiente, a comedian of PBMA, from San Jose were the invited personnel from the main office to observe. Alfredo Abayon from the delegation was appointed as comelec chairman. The officials who were blessed were the following: Chairman, Cresencio Yase, Vice Chairman - Jose Ybanez, Secretary - Marina Singcay, Asst. Sec. - Alfredo Cobol, Treasurer - Tarcela Deloso, Asst. Treas. - Bebina Calixtro, Auditor - Arturo Solis, Asst. Aud. - Ernita Patricio, PRO - Pedro Noda, Chief - Antonio Barcos, Sgt. at Arms - Carlito Bongcales, Edilberto Obingke, Maximo Polosan, and Leonardo Tambiga, Collectors - Eduardo Monares, Magdalino Velez, Pascual Langguis, Marcial Mametes and Rogelio Tito. Advisers - Antonio Ybanez, Ildefonso Bantoc and Luciano Cuevas.

The group of youths or NYO also changed the picture of their administration. The following were the winning officials: Chairman - Albin Abayon, Vice Chairman - Santos Calapuan, Sec.- Perpetua Illana, Asst. Sec. - Alipia Cambarihan, Treasurer - Josefina Yongco, Auditor - Fidela Bahian, Asst. Aud. - Alfredo Cobol, PRO - Armando Canete and Concepcion Maglangit, Sgt. at Arms - Emilio Calapuan, Arnulfo Buhawe, Teodoro Bayhonan and Vicente Bacanggoy, Business Manager - Manolita Ylanan, Advisers - Martha Saquin and Romeo Calapuan, Coordinator - Alfredo Abayon.

New dawn of the life of the delegation of R.E. Ecleo Sr. arose. The new officials were challenged to move forward with the guidance of the Almighty.

On February, 1981, the NYO center was built. The PBMA members were also able to establish a two-room schoolbuilding on the month of March, from the government funds of twenty-five thousand pesos seed money allocated to the barangay. Three units of jetmatic pumps for the water supply were installed in different puroks. Extension building annexed the Rest House was constructed wherein the meeting and recreation would be held.


The progress of the barangay and delegation boomed. Bro. Cresencio Yase headed the delegation while Bro. Inosencio Asarez steered the barangay plans, thus, binding the impprovements as well as the achievements into one, in delegation and barangay.

On Sept. 27-28, 1981, the delegation had its evaluation. The NYO pioneered to render a drama series during the program at night. This was the first time also that the Regional Director, Tatay Isik (Moises E. Ecleo) stepped the reddish land of R.E. Ecleo Sr.

Another important day came. It was November, 1981. That was the time when the Divine Master visited the delegation or barangay on the turned-over ceremony of the Rest House. Divine Master gave a brief message and performed blessing and baptizement to the children . The weather was severely bad. It rained cats and dogs.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


By the end of 1975, a petition was circulated. The members invited  barangay captain Macaso  of Glen New Mabuhay with the barangay councilors, Aurelio Pagalan, Teodolo Sumalpong, Monico Rama, kalihim barangay  Teodora Bebat, Loloy Pagalan and Bonifacio Sabares. An election was declared. It was held at the house of Mr. & Mrs. Basilio Rellon. By a slipped of mere five votes, Mr. Inosencio Asarez won the election. New set of officers ruled for 1976. Chairman - Inosencio Asarez, Vice chairman - Fortunato Polinar, Sr., Secretary - Nelia Asarez, Asst. Sec.- Rosenda Dandoy, Treasurer - Virginia Infante, Asst. Treas. - Perlita Flores, Auditor - Roque Rellon, Asst. Aud. - Segundina Salizon, Arms- Jesus Infante, Rolando Rellon, Fernando Salvame, Lorenzo Najeal, PRO - Ireneo Gonzaga, Basilio Rellon and Pedro Calapuan as Adviser.

Cooperation did not reduce. The NYO participated in the improvement by concreting the aisle of the multipurpose building of Glen New Mabuhay through the candidates for King and Queen proceeds. The women's league also made a part contribution, a sound system  unit was purchased.

1977. The life of the delegation crawled forward for progress. Every month a meeting was conducted in sitio Talisay because majority of the officials lived there. The women's league had a local visitation attended by the officials from San Jose headed by Sis. Dorotea Imperial. Reception was made at the house of Segundina Salizon.

Another year had passed. It was 1978. Perhaps it was God's blessing that a time came that an agricultural land owned by Abis' family was dealt for sale. This lot consisted of four (4) hectares, more or less, was located at sitio Alang-alang or Kanahanan, about four (4) kilometers from the municipality of Cagdianao. Through the courtesy of Inosencio Asarez with the assistance of Engr.


Felixberto Villamel and Mr. Bernardino F. Alcaria, Jr. the desire and plan was consulted to the Divine Master. Negotiations were settled to buy the said lot for the purpose of establishing a subdivision for the PBMA members in this place. The lot was bought at the amount of three thousand and five hundred pesos (Php. 3,500.00) and this was subdivided into residential lots measuring eight by ten (8 x 10) meters amounting to twenty-five pesos (Php. 25.00). Divine Master instructed the officials, giving a sketch plan of the subdivision, to be a model of block-type picop system from Bislig or Mangagoy, Surigao del Sur and the form of the house was like Jose Rizal's home, the roof of which was a bit extended on top.


Maintained cooperation of the members continued and the realization of the dream of Divine Master to have a place for the PBMA members was born. A feeding center utilized as a meeting place for the delegation was constructed. Through pahina, roads were formed. Plans to have projects in this place  were moulded as guidelined by the Divine Master as the great architect. Through the desire of the members of the delegation, a line-up was unanimously nominated to act as interim officials of the barangay to handle the mission for application. The officials given the seats were: Acting barangay captain,  Inosencio Asarez, Secretary Alfredo Abayon, Treasurer Calixto Saldua, Councilors - Solomon Ponce, Fortunato Polinar, Sr., Feliciano Manliguez, Rogelio Tito, Jose Asarez, and Juanito Dandoy.

Majority of the members voted to name the barangay as "Ecleo" because the owner of the land was the Divine Master. Resolutions and other requirements were then forwarded to the municipality of Cagdianao. Frequent touches of the officials to the municipal government were made. One time

during the followed-up made by the officials, Divine Master also happened to be in Cagdianao and He saw the application papers, He emphasized that a letter "R" should be added to the name of the barangay which was "Ecleo". He said that there are many Ecleos and many would then claim. Thus, the barangay was then named "R. Ecleo".

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Some time in early 1970's a group of PBMA members from San Jose opened settlements in this once forested land known locally as "puyo nan bulalakaw"  (island of meteor or shooting star vernacularly called bulalakaw can be seen during night time very often and for this reason no natives dare to have a footstep on this place. These members who were evacuees from the different places throughout the archipelago settled for livelihood and decided to cultivate farming in barangay Ma-atas and nearby sitios. The evacuees increased and provided farming, fishing and charcoal-making for survival.

February 25, 1975 colored a momentous day in the story of the barangay, at that time famously known as a settlement of PBMA delegation in Barangay Ma-atas. Because of the cooperation and desire of the barangay captain Simplicio Macaso of Glen New Mabuhay of the town of Dinagat, together with the officials of the Provincial Chapter of the same barangay whom the president  was Mr. Apolinario Sumampong, different delegations were formed and established in every settlement under the town of Dinagat. Ma-atas was the sole delegation from the opposite town of Cagdianao. On this very day, PBMA members composing of more or less twenty (20) families convened at the house of Mr. & Mrs. Maximo Abayon, Sr. located at the agricultural land purchased by Mrs. Kim de los Santos, a Chinese member from Basilan Province. It was held here because an amplifier set owned by Mr. Rodrigo Dato-on was utilized as sound system. Dato-on who was a close friend of Abayon's family was unanimously elected as Chairman.

Ma-atas Delegation was organized with the following officers: Chairman - Rodrigo Dato-on, Vice Chairman - Facundo Melana, Secretary - Alfredo Abayon, Asst. Sec. - Melitona Asarez, Treasurer - Nelia Asarez, Asst. Treas.- Virginia Infante, Auditor - Loreta Banares, Asst. Aud.-Hector Flores, Sgt-at-arms - Fresco Melana, Leon Torres, Jesus Infante, Romeo Calapuan, Rolando Rellon, and Juanito Bayhonan, Advisers - Inosencio Asarez, Pedro Calapuan and Pamfilo Oposa.

The second meeting was called on March 11, 1975. The agenda of constructing a PBMA Delegation House was discussed and the pahina was set on the 23rd of that month. The site where the said building should be constructed was on the land owned by the Oposa's family adjacent to the lot of Mrs. Kim de los Santos. This lot was supposedly donated for the delegation. Due to circumstances, the construction  was delayed.

The delegation of Ma-atas was born. Like a child learning to step for progress, little by little it crept towards cooperation and for the development. Ma-atas suffered much of the quota, contribution and support for the life  of the subchapter of Glen New Mabuhay. Amidst difficulties, the delegation was survived by the strength and struggle of PBMA members. Cooperation and self-reliance through pahina system enabled  to construct  a primary school building of Glen New Mabuhay. Next, the barangay multipurpose building utilized as the subchapter , was constructed. Doubtless, the members gave their full support and cooperation to accomplish the quota such as lumbers, posts, other materials as well as small amount of money beyond hardships because the members were new settlers and farming was their only means of livelihood. Because of the order of the Master, the members of the said delegation were easily persuaded, including those from the hills of barangay Cabungaan, Laguna and Cagdianao.